P-867405317 |
A2B Chem |
Predominantly Building Block on demand |
N/A |
As is |
by synthesis |
P-894648030 |
AK Scientific |
Building Blocks |
95 |
As is |
in stock |
P-851652011 |
AmBeed |
On request |
N/A |
As is |
by synthesis |
P-590880652 |
BLD pharm |
Non-stock building blocks |
97 |
As is |
by synthesis |
P-6151471 |
ChemBridge |
EXPRESS-Pick Collection |
90 |
As is |
7 mg |
P-577180255 |
ChemDiv |
Building Blocks on demand |
90 |
As is |
by synthesis |
P-454761192 |
ChemDiv |
Building Blocks in stock |
90 |
As is |
in stock |
P-619839439 |
ChemDiv |
Discovery Chemistry Library |
90 |
As is |
20 mg |
P-34573018 |
Crea-Chim |
HTS compounds |
90 |
As is |
unavailable |
P-861298446 |
Crea-Chim |
HTS compounds |
90 |
As is |
unavailable |
P-580769355 |
Crea-Chim |
Prepacked BB compounds with prompt delivery |
90 |
As is |
in stock |
P-580780261 |
Crea-Chim |
Building Blocks |
90 |
As is |
by resynthesis (? - ? days) |
P-502504765 |
Innovapharm |
Virtual Building Blocks |
95 |
As is |
by synthesis |
P-502884889 |
Innovapharm |
Screening Compounds |
90 |
As is |
in stock |
P-492231395 |
Innovapharm |
Building Blocks |
95 |
As is |
in stock |
P-488552376 |
InterBioScreen |
Building Blocks |
90 |
As is |
in stock |
P-12894789 |
InterBioScreen |
Screening Compounds |
92 |
As is |
207 mg |
P-596594818 |
Key Organics |
Building Blocks |
90 |
As is |
1000 mg |
P-14440900 |
Life Chemicals |
Screening Compounds |
90 |
As is |
8 mg |
P-580496532 |
Manchester Organics |
Compounds on demand |
N/A |
As is |
by synthesis |
P-854911060 |
MedChemExpress |
Building Blocks on demand |
95 |
As is |
by synthesis |
P-454372899 |
Pharmeks LLC |
Building Blocks |
92 |
As is |
in stock |
P-23797889 |
Pharmeks LLC |
Synthetic compounds |
92 |
As is |
300 mg |
P-18941847 |
Princeton Biomolecular Research |
Screening Compounds |
90 |
As is |
in stock |
P-596796917 |
Princeton Biomolecular Research |
Building Blocks Synthesis |
95 |
As is |
by synthesis |
P-33483517 |
TimTec |
ActiMol 3 Week |
90 |
As is |
in stock |
P-502345638 |
TimTec |
Building Block Collection |
90 |
As is |
in stock |
P-22633457 |
TimTec |
ActiMol 1 Week - Stock |
90 |
As is |
4 mg |
P-611612098 |
Toronto Research |
In stock |
90 |
As is |
in stock |
P-495118 |
Screening compounds |
90 |
As is |
1.256 g |
P-3243824 |
Collections of Fragments for Fragment-based Drug Discovery |
90 |
As is |
1.256 g |
P-464683612 |
Organic Building Blocks |
90 |
As is |
1.256 g |